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Cookie Policy

Welcome to Buzzing Babe! This Cookie Policy aims to provide you with clear insights into how we utilize cookies on our website. We recommend reading this policy alongside our Privacy Policy for a comprehensive understanding of our practices.

Who We Are

Buzzing Babe operates this website.

Our Website

This Cookie Policy pertains to your usage of our website, www.buzzingbabe.com. Throughout our site, you may encounter links to other websites managed by trusted third parties. These external sites may also utilize cookies or similar technologies according to their distinct policies. For privacy details regarding these third-party websites, please refer to their respective policies.

Understanding Cookies

Cookies are small text files placed on your device (e.g., computer, smartphone) when you browse our website. They retain specific information about your browsing activities, enhancing your user experience by remembering your preferences and aiding in site improvement.

For instance, we may track your website visits, page navigation, traffic data, location information, and internet service provider details. This data assists us in understanding how you utilize our services, facilitating a more personalized user experience.

For comprehensive information on our cookie usage, continue reading below. To learn more about cookies in general and how to manage them, visit resources such as the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (www.aboutcookies.org) or www.allaboutcookies.org. For information specific to the Republic of Ireland, please visit www.dataprotection.ie.

Consent and Settings Adjustment

We seek your consent before placing cookies or similar technologies on your device, unless they are essential for delivering a requested service (e.g., user account registration for entering a prize promotion).

Most web browsers allow you to manage cookie preferences. You can typically adjust settings to accept, reject, or receive notifications when cookies are placed on your device. Note that disabling certain cookies may affect website functionality and performance.

By continuing to use our website, you consent to the usage of cookies and other tracking technologies outlined in this Cookie Policy.

Our Cookie Usage

1. Necessary cookies: Essential for website functionality, enabling navigation, access to secure areas, and utilization of core features. They do not collect personal information.

2. Analytical/performance cookies: Aid in analyzing user interactions with our website, including visitor count, page views, and session duration. This data, anonymized, is used for statistical purposes to enhance our services.

3. Functionality cookies: Enable our website to remember your preferences (e.g., language, region) and provide enhanced features for a personalized experience. They may also assist in delivering tailored content.

4. Targeting/advertising cookies: Deliver relevant advertisements based on your browsing behavior and interests. These cookies track activities across websites and may help advertising partners create interest profiles for targeted ads.

Third-Party Cookie Access

We may permit third-party service providers to deploy cookies through our website. These cookies adhere to the respective third parties' privacy policies and support services like analytics, advertising, and social media integration.

Disabling Cookies and Consequences

If you prefer not to accept cookies, you can adjust your browser settings accordingly. However, this may result in the loss of certain website functionalities.

For detailed guidance on disabling cookies, consult resources like the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (www.aboutcookies.org) or www.allaboutcookies.org. For Ireland-specific information, visit www.dataprotection.ie.

Get in Touch

Should you have any queries about this Cookie Policy or the data we hold about you, please reach out to us via email at [email protected].

Policy Updates

We may update this policy periodically. We encourage you to check back regularly for any revisions.

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