How to Pillow Hump Like the Pros: Own Your Pleasure

Woman laying in bed in her underwear

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How many of you have been interested in the idea of how to pillow hump, but felt too embarrassed to ask about it? Maybe you heard whispers about it at a sleepover or caught a glimpse of it on a show. Well babes, you’re not alone—it’s actually a really common way to get off, and I’m thrilled to share the juicy details with you.

Pillow humping is something that is as old as our curiosity itself. It's that sexy secret you didn’t know you needed. And the best part about it, is that it is absolutely free if you have the right pillow! Hopefully by reading this, I can open your minds to a new type of orgasm to add to your bedroom arsenal.


  1. Step 1: Set the Mood
  2. Step 2: Choose Your Weapon—Er, Pillow
  3. Step 3: Find Your Pillow Humping Rhythm
  4. Positions and Techniques
  5. Mix in Some Hands-On Action
Woman in bed holding a glass of wine

Step 1: Set the Mood

First things first, ambiance is everything. Think of it as foreplay for your senses. When i’m getting off, my favorite thing to do is to dim the lights and play my favorite sultry playlist. Maybe even enjoy a glass of wine. Get comfortable in your favorite loungewear or, better yet, nothing at all. It’s all about creating a sanctuary where you can let go and really cave into your fantasies, especially if you are a little nervous the first time.

Blue sex wedge pillow

Step 2: Choose Your Weapon—Er, Pillow

Not all pillows are created equal, babes. You want something firm yet forgiving, a pillow that can take the heat without losing its shape. A memory foam pillow or a firm, overstuffed cushion works great. Make sure it’s something you feel comfortable straddling and grinding against. When selecting your perfect pillow, use these tips to find your match.

Texture and Covering: A soft, smooth cover can feel like heaven against your skin, while a textured one adds that extra zing. My go-to? Slip a satin or silk pillowcase over your pillow for that luxurious, ultra soft sensation.

Size Matters: Yes, size does matter, darling. Standard bed pillows might be too bulky, but those cute, smaller decorative pillows? Perfect! Play around with different sizes until you find the one that hits just right. It's all about what gets you going.

Shape and Firmness: The shape and firmness of your pillow are key. A firm pillow gives you something solid to grind against, while a softer one can be squeezed and molded to fit your body. Have you tried a wedge pillow? It’s usually for reading in bed, but honey, it can provide the perfect angles and support for your pillow-humping adventure.

Specialty Pillows: Don’t be afraid to get creative! There are pillows designed specifically for sexual pleasure, like sex wedges or bolster pillows. These can give you unique shapes and supports that are made for getting you off.

Personalization: Make the pillow your own. Add some scented sprays or essential oils to heighten your senses. Maybe add lavender if you are craving something relaxing, vanilla for a warm, comforting feeling, or jasmine for a touch of the exotic.

My Favorite Pillow

A pillow that WILL be your best friend is the Dame Pillo. It is a great shape and firmness that should definitely do the trick.

Woman on top of pink pillow in her underwear

Step 3: Find Your Pillow Humping Rhythm

Alright, now it’s time to get down to business. Lie down and place that perfect pillow between your legs, positioning it just right. This is your dance, so let’s make it count! Here’s the easiest way to find your rhythm I have found.

Start Slow: The best way to start is by beginning with slow movements. Move your hips in gentle, deliberate circles, feeling every bit of the friction against your sweet spots. Let the anticipation build and start getting more comfortable.

Explore Angles and Pressures: Variety is the spice of life, babes. Experiment with different angles and pressures. Tilt your hips, change your position, and see how it feels when you press down harder or lighten up. Every little adjustment can lead to new, delicious feelings.

Girl in bed wearing a thong

Positions and Techniques

Still need more of a visual on positions and techniques? Let’s talk more about the art of the grind. Don’t be shy—grind against that pillow like it’s your secret lover. The right grind can be what sends you over the edge, and it’s all about finding it. Here’s how to make the most of it.

Basic Grind: Start simple. Lie on your stomach with the pillow between your legs. Gently rock your hips back and forth. Feel the friction and let it build. This classic move is all about finding your comfort zone.

Tilt and Grind: I have found that adding a slight tilt to my pelvis while grinding can help hit the right spots. Try rolling your hips in slow circles. Give it a try, and see if you notice a difference!

Side-to-Side: For a different vibe, try moving your hips side to side. This may work better for you if you put the pillow between your legs and clench. Sometimes, I like to alternate between back-and-forth and side-to-side movements to keep things exciting.

Leg Positions: Experiment with your leg positions. You can keep them straight, spread them wide, or even bend your knees. Each position changes the angle and pressure, giving you a variety of sensations. Personally, I love bending my knees slightly—it adds just the right amount of pressure.

On All Fours: Get on all fours with the pillow between your legs. This position lets you control the pressure and angle better. Rock your hips in slow motions. This position can feel oh-so-satisfying.

Sit and Grind: Sit on the pillow with your legs stretched out or crossed. Use your hands to support yourself and lift your hips slightly. This position gives you more control over the pressure and allows for deeper, more focused grinding.

Edge Play: Move to the edge of your bed with the pillow on the floor. Straddle the pillow and use the edge of the bed for support. This angle can be more intense and is perfect for really focusing on that sweet spot.

Pillow Pile: Stack two pillows for extra height and firmness. This setup can give a different angle and more resistance, making your movements more intense. I’ve tried this when I wanted a deeper, more pressing sensation—it was divine!

Use Your Imagination: Close your eyes and get in the feels. Maybe you are thinking about that hot guy at the gym last week, or that girl you had sexual tension with for ages. Whatever it is, let your imagination run wild. Your mind is definitely your most powerful tool in getting off, and I always find it’s much easier to orgasm when I'm really in the mood.

Cartoon straddling sex toy pillow with vibrator mount

Mix in Some Hands-On Action

Don’t forget your hands, they are a great way to add even more fun into the mix. Use them to tease other parts of your body. Play with your nipples, maybe touch your thighs. Combining pillow humping with rubbing other erogenous areas can take your play session to that next level. You could also try strapping a vibrator to your pillow and humping it. I always like to add my vibrators into the mix, and a great one for this would be the amazing Fun Factory Vim. It is a wand vibrator, so it doesn’t need precise placement. It is also wireless, which makes pillow humping much easier than if it had a cord. There are also pillows that have built-in vibrator molds like the

The most important tip? Let go of any inhibitions and just enjoy. Remember, the key is to explore and find what feels best for you. Every body is different, so take your time and have fun. Whatever you do, don’t be embarrassed! It is totally natural and normal to want to learn how to pillow hump, and baby, this is your time to shine. Happy humping, babe!


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